
Where do fruit flies come from? If you are like me you have had the wonderful experience of waking up in the morning to groggily get your breakfast and finding fruit flies. You turn the light on and walk towards the cereal cupboard. Suddenly, you notice a small moving speck out of the corner of your eye, fruit fly! You groan as you realize that you will suddenly have an infestation for the next billion years. So there are two explanations about where fruit flies come from. The first comes from a website that has science in the name so it must be true. They talk about how fruit flies can fly into your house through the window screen or they come in as larvae on the fruit you purchase. This probably isn't true and is a boring explanation regardless. The more UNCOMMON EXPLANATION is rather nuanced, complicated, and requires you to have a sharp mind to really understand it. So the atmosphere (air we breath) is made up of mainly the following things: 1. Nitrogen (78%) 2. Ox

Introduction to Uncommon Explanations for Common Happenings

Hello Interwebz! This blog is for all of those who wonder where certain things come from or why certain things happen and would like an explanation that focuses more on humor than reality. Some may call my posts "Fake News" but I call them funny ideas that can be shared with friends if you can keep a straight face... and have gullible friends, or if you are one of those parents who lies to their kids. In this blog I will tackle questions like: 1. Where do fruit flies come from? 2. Why does body hair get everywhere? 3. Why won't my pillowcase stay on the pillow? 4. Why hasn't everyone heard of Rube Goldberg? These questions and  MANY MORE  will be answered humorously (if not correctly) on this blog.